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Toxocariasis is a parasitic disease from the larvae of Toxocara roundworms that can be spread through the feces of the dogs, cats and foxes. Humans contract this bacteria by ingestion of embryonated eggs from different contaminated sources, such as soil, undercooked meat, unwashed vegetables. 

You should wash your hands properly after cleaning your pet’s waste and use special equipment for that, such as plastic gloves and disposable shovels. Also, you should always wash your fruits and vegetables before eating them and make sure that your meat is cooked properly. 

“Be careful to use gloves or a plastic bag or shovel to clean up doggy poop, and wash your hands well afterward,” said Dr. Shainhouse.

How do you know if your pet suffers from Toxocariasis? Well, if you notice symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, bloody stool or worm in the feces, you should take your pet to the vet as soon as possible. 

“Humans contract roundworm infections by oral-fecal transmission, but the worms tend to end up in the lungs, which can present as shortness of breath and hives/itch, abdominal pain, bloody stool,” explains Dr. Shainhouse.

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  1. I was born with toxoplasmosis. My mom was pregnant with me and the disease (parasite) feeds on the retina of the eye and the brain.. I was lucky in that the parasite ate the retina in the right eye causing blindness and started on the left eye, (stopped) causing no damage but scars were there showing it started in the left eys. It stays dormate in the body and can reactive any time; that has occurred twice in my lifetime and doctors have been able to use a laser beam and kill the reacted cells. This disease can be carried onto my child but I have chosen to not have children to avoid this terrible disease. As stated it stays dormate in your body forever and they are now discovering that it causes cysts to grow on your vital organs such as lungs, kidneys. liver. etc. I have already found cysts on my kidneys so your certainly do not want to have this disease. It is a lifelong disease. I do not have cats and never wanted them.

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