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Pet scabies (mange)

There are two types of scabies: human scabies and pet scabies also known as mange. So, mange is a type of skin disease caused by parasitic mites. So, pet scabies can cause some discomfort in humans but they can’t live on human skin or cause severe complications. 

“In pet scabies, the animal is the only viable host for the mite, meaning the mite only lives on the pet,” said Dr. Shainhouse. “However, the mite can jump off of the pet, bite the human owner, then jump back home (aka, the pet’s skin).”

How to protect your pet and your household from this disease? Well, you have to keep your dog away from other animals that have scabies and go to the vet if you see something strange in their behavior or skin irritations. 

Symptoms in pets can include exaggerating itching, rash, blisters, and sores and humans will notice a temporary itching and skin irritation. 

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  1. I was born with toxoplasmosis. My mom was pregnant with me and the disease (parasite) feeds on the retina of the eye and the brain.. I was lucky in that the parasite ate the retina in the right eye causing blindness and started on the left eye, (stopped) causing no damage but scars were there showing it started in the left eys. It stays dormate in the body and can reactive any time; that has occurred twice in my lifetime and doctors have been able to use a laser beam and kill the reacted cells. This disease can be carried onto my child but I have chosen to not have children to avoid this terrible disease. As stated it stays dormate in your body forever and they are now discovering that it causes cysts to grow on your vital organs such as lungs, kidneys. liver. etc. I have already found cysts on my kidneys so your certainly do not want to have this disease. It is a lifelong disease. I do not have cats and never wanted them.

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