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One of the veterinarians also working at the clinic that day immediately let Harper take Dobby to her own clinic, even though it was closed that day, so that they could begin treating him as quickly as possible. They could only imagine the kind of pain he was in. They set about trimming his nails, bathing him and preparing for bloodwork to be done. Despite all of his ailments, Dobby never complained or lashed out. He was as sweet as could be throughout the entire process, and just seemed so grateful to his rescuers for helping him.

“He sat there with love in his little eyes — like he knew he had finally been saved,” Harper said.

Once he was cleaned up and given initial treatment, Dobby was taken in by Pawsibilities Rescue, who continued to support him on his healing journey. For months, he needed medicated baths to help heal his skin and allow his fur to grow back. He was still a long way from being ready to be adopted when his future family saw his picture on Facebook and knew he was meant to be theirs.

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