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Photo by Mikhail Vasilyev / Unsplash

Pay attention to open spaces

There is a well-known fact that cats are afraid of open spaces. As you already know, felines feel comfortable only in a small and cozy spot where they don’t feel exposed and vulnerable – that’s why they prefer to hide in boxes. “Some cats are more bush-dwellers, so they like to stay hidden and under things, [other] cats gain a lot of comfort and solace in being up high,” said Johnson. 

So, if you want to solve this problem, you should opt for a cat tree that allows them to climb and walk when they feel it and a narrow space to hide, such as cat houses. “Always give cats a way out of a situation, an escape route, vertical or otherwise,” Parry said.

When you take your cat to the vet, make sure that you cover their carrier with a blanket or towel. “For most cats, covering up the carrier and blocking any extra stimuli is helpful,” Parry says. 

Some cats are afraid of carriers and it can lead to stress and anxiety. In this case, you have to train your cat so that it will see the carrier in a positive way. “I liken it to training a dog to walk on a leash,” Parry says. “We wouldn’t want a dog guardian to skip this step, and acclimating a cat to the carrier should be an early focus for the cat guardian.”

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