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What’s being done?

Alongside educating people about the tuna they eat, wildlife charities and trusts are working with fishermen to manage tuna catches

Purse-seine – The fishing method used to catch a huge amount of bigfin tuna

The key management measures being put in place to protect the Atlantic bluefin involve setting sustainable fishing limits and developing harvest control rules for all main fishing stocks. At the moment, the purse-seine net method of fishing is a major issue; fisheries, particularly those in the Mediterranean, use circular nets that encircle a shoal of fish, and then pull the bottom of the net together to trap them. This catches a huge amount of fish, and although quotas are set, until the fish are landed and counted, the quantity that has been caught is unknown.


Bluefin tuna are now so valuable that illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing is rife, and it’s thought that fisheries will often sell on their excess catch and not declare it, or simply not declare their catch at all, rendering the whole process of setting quotas useless.

“Bluefin tuna are now so valuable that illegal fishing is rife”

Groups such as Pew Charitable Trusts and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) are devoted to saving the bluefin tuna and are working with fishermen and other tuna consumers to bring this fish back from the brink. Their aim is to reduce the amount of tuna taken from the sea, put limits on the size of fish that is removed and to work with fisheries to find different and more sustainable methods of catching bluefin.

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2 thoughts on “”

  1. #2,
    It’s very disappointing the way Japan violates the fishing regulations, in the mass killing of the whales they lie and say it’s for researching purposes when they’re pulling in the whales in alarming quantities, hundreds of tons of whales. I’m very particular about the kinds of fish I eat, if it’s anything endangered I don’t do it.

  2. #4,
    The people responsible for the violations should be heavily fined so as to reduce their profits, if all else fails confiscate their equipment, including their ships.

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