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Bluefin in the wild

Two stocks of Atlantic bluefin tuna are present – the east and west populations – although much of their range overlaps in the central Atlantic Ocean.

Why save the bluefin tuna?

bluefin-tuna-2Bluefin tuna are warm-blooded, and able to regulate their body temperature – this is very unusual for a fish. The bluefin is as comfortable in the icy waters of Iceland as in the warm waters of its tropical spawning grounds.

These ocean beasts can grow to a whopping two metres (6.6 feet) in length, and can live for up to 40 years. The species grows slowly, and gets to such a large size by hunting other fish, crustaceans and eels voraciously, as well as feeding on smaller oceanic offerings such as plankton.

The bodies of bluefin tuna are incredibly streamlined, and these fish are built for speed. They can even retract their fins to reduce drag, and are capable of reaching speeds of up to 70 kilometres (43 miles) per hour as they dart through the water.

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2 thoughts on “”

  1. #2,
    It’s very disappointing the way Japan violates the fishing regulations, in the mass killing of the whales they lie and say it’s for researching purposes when they’re pulling in the whales in alarming quantities, hundreds of tons of whales. I’m very particular about the kinds of fish I eat, if it’s anything endangered I don’t do it.

  2. #4,
    The people responsible for the violations should be heavily fined so as to reduce their profits, if all else fails confiscate their equipment, including their ships.

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