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Rinse again. After applying the conditioner to the entire coat, rinse, rinse, and rinse again to remove all traces of the shampoo and conditioner before you dry your dog. Soap and conditioner left on your dog will dry its skin.

Dry time. Once your dog is rinsed clean, remove it from the tub and rub it down with dry towels. You can also use a blow dryer designed for dogs as long as it doesn’t frighten your dog.

Wait for the shake. No matter how much you dry your dog, it will still want to roll around on the carpet to dry itself. So, be sure your dog is in a room where you won’t mind a little moisture on the rug or the walls if it decides to shake away excess moisture.

Stay indoors. Don’t let your dog outside for several hours after a bath. Otherwise, you run the risk of it rolling in the dirt and grass to dry off, basically ruining all your hard work. Plus, if the weather is cool, you want to prevent your dog from getting chilled.

Brush when dry. Allow your dog’s coat to thoroughly dry before attempting to brush it. Combing or brushing a wet coat can be painful to the dog.

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