Photo by Alena Ozerova / Shutterstock


According to Dr. Gallagher, “toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma Gondii) is a parasitic infection in which cats are the main source of infection.” 

This disease doesn’t usually cause any obvious symptoms in healthy adults, but it can adversely affect the health of pregnant women and people who have a weak immune system. Symptoms in humans include flu-like symptoms such as muscle aches and tender lymph nodes. But according to some studies, around 40 million people could live with toxoplasmosis without even knowing it or having other major complications. 

What you can do to prevent it? Well, you have to make sure that the cat litter is clean and change it once a day ( especially if there’s a woman pregnant or someone already sick). Moreover, do not forget to wash your hands properly after cleaning the litter box and before and after playing with your cat. 

Nevertheless, pregnant women should stay away from the litter box. Cats that usually live indoors are less likely to contract this disease. Just like humans, there are many cats that have no symptoms, except kittens that may have diarrhea.

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  1. I was born with toxoplasmosis. My mom was pregnant with me and the disease (parasite) feeds on the retina of the eye and the brain.. I was lucky in that the parasite ate the retina in the right eye causing blindness and started on the left eye, (stopped) causing no damage but scars were there showing it started in the left eys. It stays dormate in the body and can reactive any time; that has occurred twice in my lifetime and doctors have been able to use a laser beam and kill the reacted cells. This disease can be carried onto my child but I have chosen to not have children to avoid this terrible disease. As stated it stays dormate in your body forever and they are now discovering that it causes cysts to grow on your vital organs such as lungs, kidneys. liver. etc. I have already found cysts on my kidneys so your certainly do not want to have this disease. It is a lifelong disease. I do not have cats and never wanted them.

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