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Photo by Tran Mau Tri Tam / Unsplash

Think like a cat

When calming a cat, people tend to treat them the way they do with humans, but you have to think like a cat and be there for them only physically without kisses, cuddles, hugs, and petting. 

“People tend to think of what humans may like when they are stressed, instead of thinking like a cat,” Parry says. “This is probably the most common mistake we see… that guardians rush up and try to pet or pick up a highly aroused or stressed cat.” According to Ingrid Johnson, a certified cat behavioral consultant with the Georgia-based Fundamentally Feline, “it can take cats hours to come down from a heightened, aroused state.” So, try to give them space when they are stressed, but be there for them. 

If your cat is friendly and affectionate, you can talk or sing to them. Also, if your cat seeks your attention and shows that it wants to be petted then give it affection. “Cats may respond positively to the presence of someone they know and trust,” Parry says. “Just talking to them or even singing to them can be helpful.”

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