Photo by Vika Hova / Shutterstock

Try to put on soft music

Many people say that their beloved cats are sensitive to certain noises that make them anxious and stressed, such as construction, a baby crying, traffic, or other weather noises. So, in this case, you have to replace that annoying sound with another calmer alternative, such as pleasant white noise or music, and pay attention to the reaction of your cat. 

“There has not been much research on music or sounds with regards to calming a cat, but one can try soft classical music or pleasant ‘white noise’ and observe for how the cat responds,” Parry says. “At the least, it may reduce the impact of the ‘scary’ noises by creating a buffer.”

If you do a little research, you will find some interesting songs for cats that have a calming effect and were created especially by scientists at the University of Wisconsin. It is also said that cats enjoy music with purring, chirping, and kitty noises.

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