There’s something magical about the bond between a pooch and his owner. Whether you’re playing fetch in the park, laying on the couch while scratching your pup’s stomach, exploring new places together, sharing photos or videos of them on social media, teaching them tricks, or running together around your neighborhood, there’s something truly unique about all of these activities.
Whatever you and your pooch like to do together, your pup is loyal to the core, and spending time with you is definitely one of their favorite things to do.
However, this thing goes the other way around as well. You feel so close to your dog, that there are times when you forget that they don’t talk or can’t give you the feedback you want, but you still treat them like they are your best friends that support you no matter what.
We wanted to discover more about this special bond between a pup and their owner, so we’ve talked to several people about some of the most awkward and hilarious moments in their lives as dog owners. If you want to discover them, click on the next page!
With that being said, here are 16 awkward moments every dog owner knows.