Photo by GingerKitten / Shutterstock

Use your voice

I guess we all tend to use kind of a baby voice when we talk to our pets, right? So, if you do this too, we have to congratulate you as you do a great job because these little friends associate this voice with positive feelings and understand that you appreciate them. 

So, the next time when you talk to your beloved furry pet try to say love things using a gentle tone, such as “I love you”, “you are my favorite buddy”, “I adore you” and so on. That being said, your voice can influence the way animals perceive what you want to convey.

Nevertheless, “it’s prosodic of speech (pitch rhythm and tone) that matter, not the actual words,” Hartstein said. “Our energy, through limbic resonance and emotional contagion, evoke feelings of love and care for our family members.”

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  1. I’m not sure where this fits in. Several of my dogs have loved lying on their backs with all four feet in the air. This becomes an invitation to rub their tummies. They loved the feel of a warm,
    gentle hand moving slowly up and down. It can become tedious, so have something else ready to do. Some of my playful dogs, especially Beagles, have taken the “upsidedown hint” as an invitation to me to play, such as chasing them down the hall. If this is not allowed to grow out of control, it’s tons of fun for dog and me. The leash training is especially important for elderly owners. An untrained dog may try to become loving by placing his/her body between your feet. The leash then tangles with cane and feet, and possibiities for a crash are endless.

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