Photo by Ammit Jack from Shutterstock

Say ‘yes’ to new adventures together

What could be more relaxing than spending a lot of time with your beloved furry friend in a park, trip or vacation? According to animal experts, there are some dog breeds that need a long daily walk in the park or an occasional long trip to feel loved. In other words, you have to meet their needs to make them feel loved and appreciated. 

According to Ashley O’Hara, founder of Compass Key Service Dog Training, “while most dogs really like routines and structure, switching up play and exercise routines is a fun way to keep a dog engaged and feel appreciated.”

Additionally, walking your dog means more than just enjoying the nature together – it is absolutely necessary for the health of your dog because it can stimulate their brain and improve their body function, they are more likely to socialize (and socialization is also crucial for them), and the best part is that it can help you build a strong bond between you. 

According to the Animal Foundation, “when walking your dog, consider it a training opportunity. [They don’t know] how to walk on a leash, so you’ll have to teach them how to follow your lead. You can teach them commands like, “sit,” “stay,” and “heel,” especially if you take treats with you.”

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  1. I’m not sure where this fits in. Several of my dogs have loved lying on their backs with all four feet in the air. This becomes an invitation to rub their tummies. They loved the feel of a warm,
    gentle hand moving slowly up and down. It can become tedious, so have something else ready to do. Some of my playful dogs, especially Beagles, have taken the “upsidedown hint” as an invitation to me to play, such as chasing them down the hall. If this is not allowed to grow out of control, it’s tons of fun for dog and me. The leash training is especially important for elderly owners. An untrained dog may try to become loving by placing his/her body between your feet. The leash then tangles with cane and feet, and possibiities for a crash are endless.

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