7. Australian Brown Snake

Just a little bit of its venom can kill a person and is the world’s second most venomous land snake. Native to Australia, this snake is very fast moving and highly aggressive. When they are defensive, they hold their necks high and they appear in an upright S-shape. The venom contains blood coagulants and neurotoxins and those can be fatal to humans.

Venom: 9

Fatalities: 3

Personality: 6

Aggressiveness: 4

Total: 22/40

8.Tiger Snake

This snake can be found in southern regions of Australia, including Tasmania, highly variable in color, this snake has a potent neurotoxin, hemolysins, myotoxins and coagulants and that’s why is ranked among the deadliest snakes in the world. If you are bitten, you will start feel a localized pain in the foot and neck region, numbness, sweating and tingling. If you don’t get treated, it is fatal, the mortality rate for this species is over 60%.

Venom: 6

Fatalities: 4

Personality: 7

Aggressiveness: 3

Total: 20

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