Photo by Olena Brodetska / Shutterstock

Golden Retrievers

The Golden retriever’s loving personality, intelligence and loyalty make them wonderful for families with other pets and kids. Of course, they are perfect for people of all ages. 

“They really enjoy playing, and they tend to be very good with children,” Boyko said. “They’re also on the fairly active range, so make sure you can get them the exercise that they need.” 

They tend to shed a lot, so you have to groom them as often as possible. Golden retrievers can get bored if left alone for too long. However, if you want to adopt this dog breed you have to pay attention to their diet, because they tend to eat a lot, so this is why they are more likely to become obese. Hence, you should make sure that they follow a healthy and balanced diet. 

As you probably know, males are bigger than females and they both reach their full height by one year of age. Of course, just like any other dog, they need early socialization and training. 

Like all breeds, they are prone to develop certain health issues, such as ichthyosis – a skin disease and Von Willebrand’s Disease.

“[Ichthyosis] it’s like dander almost. It doesn’t really harm the dog and there are things you can do to help it, but it’s different from other causes of scaly and flaky coats,” said Boyko. “Knowing your dog has the genetic mutation can prevent misdiagnosis, and minimize veterinarian bills that you don’t need.”


Photo by Angyalosi Beata / Shutterstock

French Bulldogs

French bulldogs are some of the most popular dog breeds in the United States and for a good reason! These beautiful creatures have a unique look and a strong personality. They don’t need a lot of exercises, but you have to walk them daily to avoid obesity. According to animal experts, French bulldogs are easy to train, being very intelligent and loyal animals. This dog breed tends to bark frequently, plus drooling and flatulence. 

Unfortunately, French bulldogs are more likely to develop hyperuricosuria and heatstroke, so try to avoid playing and exercising in the hot sun.  

“If you know that your dog has a risk for it, you can actually change their diet and generally prevent the stones,” Boyko said. “It saves a lot of pain for the dog.”

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9 thoughts on “”

  1. Kathryn Mahon, PhD

    Happily I live with 3 beagles. Two are mother and son. The other one could be the grandmother. They were found wandering around in up-state, NY. They do have clocks – feeding time, walking, and tid-bits when I eat. They follow me around and love affection. Names are Ne-Tee (Mandarin for encore), Molly & Mikey. Molly & Mikey keep Ne-Tee young. She follows them ad runs up and down stairs. Don’t tell – she is going on 17,
    Kathryn Mahon, PhD

  2. Absolutely amazing. I found this article very interesting and informative. One question: Where do Pit Bulls fall into this ? I have had 2 and they are loving, playful and intelligent. They love my children and are definitely a family dog ( or least mine are)

  3. My favorite breed is the Great Pyrenees. We have 2 puppies, turning 14 weeks tomorrow. They are the most amazing and beautiful dogs. When these 2 are grown and doing their job, guarding our sheep, we will get 2 more puppies. I am so taken with these dogs. They are so independent, sometimes stubborn yet they are so loving and gentle. Best dogs ever!

  4. For the last 40+ years I’ve had Cocker Spaniels, sometimes 3 at a time. I swore I’d never have a different breed. Well someone dropped a dog off for me to dog sit for a few weeks and never came back. In those three weeks Kenzie and I had built a great relationship without even trying to. Well my new friend is an American Bulldog. She’s one of the best dogs I’ve ever had and her intelligent dogs I’ve seen. She makes me laugh all the time. I’ve been told that since I’ve cared for Kenzie with food and water, a place to live and medical check ups I could have legal standing. But that’s a story for another day. She loves to go in the woods and drag out logs! Pound for pound one of the strongest dogs I’ve ever seen. She’s like the one on the TV commercial pulling the tractor trailer. She’s been a real blessing to me.
    Stan Ryan

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