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Large dog breeds can be easily trained

If you want to adopt a dog, you should consider a big one, especially because they are easy to train. According to animal experts, dogs should receive early socialization and training. So, you should start training them at a younger age. 

“Teaching good manners and training are important for any dog, no matter what the size, but they are absolutely crucial for a big dog. It’s one thing if a toy poodle has a housebreaking gaffe, or jumps up on your guests; it’s an altogether different matter if a full-grown Great Dane does it,” says Flaim.

Fortunately, dogs are really intelligent animals, so they will learn your training techniques faster than you think. 

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1 thought on “”

  1. I had a collie, I called him Laddie, and really should have called him Einstien because he was so
    smart. He understood three languages. When I asked him to pick up the toys, that my daughter
    had thrown out of her playpen and put them back in the playpen, he did. My daughter would throw them out and he would put them back. He was so protective of her, getting between her and the stairs or the stove.
    Collies are known for their gentleness and intelligence.

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