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You don’t diversify the training places

The truth is that pet owners tend to train their dogs only at home, but according to animal experts, this is another mistake that you should stop making. Your dog needs diversity when it comes to training sessions, so you should help them get acquainted with different places and in different situations, not just at home.

“People will tend to practice at certain times and in certain areas, and this makes a dog very good in those areas at those times. You need to work toward your goal of, say, going to the store in small steps, such as working with her in the parking lot on a quiet day,” Explained Phillips. 

“If she does well, go to the next level. If she gets too excited and won’t listen, it just means you’re moving too fast. Keep working, giving treats for good behavior, and she’ll get there eventually,” she continued.


Photo by Mary Swift / Shutterstock

You don’t focus on their body language

Canine body language is as important as the verbal one. If you see your dog crying, you know that they probably want to go for a walk or are just hungry, but this information may be incomplete if you don’t focus on their body language as well.

In general, “dogs speak with their bodies. Getting to know your dog and her unique language is vital to understanding her, advocating for her, and keeping her stress level low,” explains Dr. Brown.

“Keeping a close eye on how your dog responds to various situations will help you decipher her language and could help you head off a potential issue. Key areas to watch include your dog’s tail, eyes, ears, and posture,” Brown added.

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2 thoughts on “”

  1. My two boys drive me crazy to walk. Here in Charleston, even in mornings, it’s hot and humid. So what do I do to keep them some what happy. We do not have walking places that are cool for dogs. I hate to say, even the nights are 80+ degrees with very high humity. And I do not like to walk them late. They become very lazy. What to do, wait till the cool weather comes in?

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