Photo by Anna Jurkovska / Shutterstock

You try to find new friends for them

If you walk your dog in the same park where your friends walk their dogs too, it doesn’t mean that your dogs should be friends, so don’t force them to be friendly with each other. Your responsibility is to make your dog feel comfortable and happy because otherwise, they risk developing canine stress and it can adversely affect their overall health.  

In fact, “not every dog is a social butterfly. But there are different levels of confidence. Some dogs might do fine with one other dog but feel anxious in a group. Whatever you do, don’t force your dog to stay in an uncomfortable situation. Scared dogs can become aggressive,” said Dr. Ropski.


Photo by Romanova Anna / Shutterstock

You are not consistent

It’s quite difficult and frustrating for your dog to understand everything you want to say, so try to use the same verbal and nonverbal language to avoid confusion. 

“Our animals appreciate consistency because it creates that vital association between a situation and how you want your dog to react. Changing the word you use, such as down when you mean off, is confusing to your dog,” said Dr. Ropski. 

In addition, you can schedule your activities at the same time every day. “That way, your dog will not expect playtime while you’re trying to work,” Dr. Ropski added.

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2 thoughts on “”

  1. My two boys drive me crazy to walk. Here in Charleston, even in mornings, it’s hot and humid. So what do I do to keep them some what happy. We do not have walking places that are cool for dogs. I hate to say, even the nights are 80+ degrees with very high humity. And I do not like to walk them late. They become very lazy. What to do, wait till the cool weather comes in?

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