6. Bed bugs
Even though bed bugs can be hard to see for the human eye, their scent glands release an odor that is undetectable for the human eye unless there is an infestation.
However, dogs have stronger noses than us and they can detect this smell even in the early stages. For instance, there are several new forms of pest control, which implicate bed-bug sniffing dogs in their activity.
Their senses are so accurate, that they can help get rid of these insects long before an infestation gets out of control.
7. Coronavirus
Cindy Otto, Director of the University of Pennsylvania’s Working Dog Center is currently working on training eight Labrador Retrievers to smell the new coronavirus.
If she succeeds, dogs will have the ability to sniff out Covid-19 in different places, such as hospitals, airports, and other public spots. However, these smart pups won’t replace the usual SARS-CoV-2 tests.
8. Ovulation and pregnancy
As we’ve already previously established, dogs are very sensitive when it comes to the smell in our urine. This means that they are also receptive to our hormones as well.
When a woman is pregnant, her body goes through different stages and changes, and dogs are able to pick up on those. That is because these hormonal changes come with modifications in body odors that dogs can smell, even if the pregnancy is still in its early stages.
9. DrugsÂ
There are dogs who have such fine noses, that they can be trained to detect certain types of chemicals in drugs. In conformity with Russell Hartstein of Fun Paw Care, LLC, this smell is not strong enough for people to perceive, but dogs don’t have a problem with that.
10. PeopleÂ
Dogs can use their noses to track down people by smell, which is why some breeds are used when looking for missing persons. Pups can follow a certain type of smell from footstep to footstep and they can even catch odors in the air.
However, some breeds are better at this job compared to others, due to the fact that their olfactory capacities have adapted to the survival mode over time.
…If you love dogs as much as we do and you want to know more about them, here is a great article for you: 8 Fluffiest Dog Breeds You Will ADORE!