15 Photos of Puppies Playing With Other Animals That Will Melt Your Heart

All you have to do is read this story about a dog that adopted nine ducklings or look at these viral photos of puppies playing with lion and tiger cubs at Beijing Wildlife Park to know that dogs can bridge the friendship gap with virtually any species.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a human, a lion, a tiger, a bear, or—yes—even a cat. If you’re pure of heart, dogs will want to play with you. So if you’re in need of a reminder that dogs can love just about anybody, check out the following photos of puppies playing with other animals.

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10 thoughts on “15 Photos of Puppies Playing With Other Animals That Will Melt Your Heart”

  1. The Dog and his ducklings in England isn’t a Golden Retriever (that dog is in the previous picture). The dog is a Yellow Labrador Retriever. I have both breeds of those dogs and they are wonderful family pets.

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