They’re not really cuddly, but fish are cute in their own special way -and they make truly fantastic pets.
Goldfish are undoubtedly the easiest pet to take care of. They don’t need walks, they don’t chew the furniture and their food is as simple as a tub of fish flakes instead of a giant sack of puppy chow. Goldfish are also relaxing to watch; it’s a proven fact that gazing at a fish-filled aquarium can lower blood pressure. They are surprisingly clever (for fish), and will learn what time they are being fed each day and even recognise people’s faces.

Modern goldfish are a domesticated version of a carp species originating from eastern Asia that was bred for meat. These fish were grey, but every so often an orange one would appear; these were kept in ponds from as early as 975 CE. By the 1500s it had become commonplace to keep goldfish in bowls, and after that the various breeding and development of varieties of goldfish began to develop.