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Animal pictures

Researchers from Facebook analysed more than 160.000 people and decided based on the pictures they shared if they were a cat or dog person. Accordingly, they discovered the differences in personal data available on Facebook.


According to the research, the stereotype that dog people are more social seems to ring true. At least in the online world dog people have more friends than cat people. On average they have 26 more friends.

However, cat people might have deeper friendships. Cat people receive more friend requests than dog people. Cat people mostly interact with other cat people and also dog people prefer to stay with their own species.


There are more single cat people out there than dog people, although the difference is not that big. 30% of cat people are single compared to 24% of dog people.

Cat people tend to be more interested in science fiction and cartoons, whereas dog people prefer watching reality series and talent shows. Another study concluded that cat people on average are more intelligent than dog people.

One thing remains unclear, what if you are a dog AND cat person?

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