Guam Rail Bird

The Guam rail bird is extremely good at walking and even running through thick vegetation without making much noise, which is a good thing since it’s not the best flier. That wasn’t a problem, originally, for these seven-ounce birds because there were no natural predators on the island to bother them, says Dan Ashe, president and CEO of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums.

But then, brown snakes were introduced to the island after World War II and the birds didn’t have a way to protect themselves. ‘Biologists rounded up the remaining 21 birds and began a breeding program in partnerships with zoos,’ says Ashe.

‘Today the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Guam Department of Agriculture are working to bring rail back to its native home.’ For now, the Guam rail population is living on the islands of Rota and Cocos.

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