5. Chow Chow
These beautiful lion-like dogs are great cuddlers. However, the loving breed is quite stubborn and can sometimes even become jealous! We know this doesn’t necessarily mean they lack intelligence, but they appear to be harder to train.
They are one of the oldest dog breeds in history, as they date all the way back to China’s Han Dynasty. They are bred for various activities, such as hunting, guarding, and hauling. They made their way on this list not because they are dumb, but because they are so intelligent yet stubborn that they prefer not to listen to cues or to take directions.
3 thoughts on “”
Had a Lab-Setter- talk about smarts and yes, we were “adapted” into his pack. Very Smart, loving and miss him.
well I totally disagree with this , I have had English bulldogs all my life , my last one, Pudgescicle , was the smartest one ever , this article is ridiculous , I disagree to it completely.
Our dogs, over 50 yrs, were rescues. Smartest dog ever: Beagle/ Dachshund mix. Once got loose & followed my scent (I went via car) 5 miles to a college campus & came to my class. Other “feats” of valor/action, like he caught/cornered a burglar once. Other smart ones: a pure Lhasa Apso & a Cocker/Shih Tzu mix…these two were esp. excellent at “understanding English.” I don’t mean commands…I mean, a comment like “Let’s go next door to visit,” & they were there, out the door, ahead of you waiting at the neighbor’s door before you left the house….or if they begged for food & you said, “I’m all out. Find someone else.” They’d give up on you immediately &, indeed, go beg someone else. Wickedly smart was a Lab/GSP mix. He was downright HUMAN. He ran the house…picked up the toys/put them in a box. If the box was missing, he’d find a basket…made us go for walks or swims at HIS set time of the evening, got us up at the same hour every morning….went out to get the paper & mail to bring to us. “Policed” the perimeter of the yards once AM, once PM. Learned every “trick” in 2 tries & could hilariously go through them all in a row. We’ve never been the same since his passing b/c we never ran the house as well as he did. Sweetest dog: a pure Blonde Lab used for breeding & discarded. She raised all our kittens, loved us beyond distraction & was a BFF to both my husband & I. Not so smart, but still loved: Red-boned hound mix. Dumbest dog we’ve ever had. Enthusiastic as a pup, but just didn’t “get” anything we tried to train. And, another not so smart, very loyal & gentle (a true “Gentle Giant”) was Lab/Shar-pei/Mastiff mix. She’d “shake & “kiss,” always protective/loyal …but NEVER barked. She LOVED children & it was heart-breaking that we didn’t have any for her to “raise” at that stage in our lives. She & the Blonde Lab were our last dogs. We don’t have the heart to take in another at our ages. We do have the last litter of cats that the Blonde Lab, Maggie Mae, raised…& they are as sweet as she.