Top 10 Most Dangerous Animals In The US


Most commonly encountered in the southeast US, alligators are not creatures you’d want to run into. Although they are generally shy, they can escape easily from enclosures and are true camouflage masters. Their bite is so powerful that it can crack open turtle shells.


When cougars are starving, you’d better stay away. They are often encountered across the Western United States and generally mind their own business – unless they ran out of food.


The most venomous spiders in the US are recluse spiders and widows; unluckily to us, widows aren’t as big as they seem on camera. The brown recluse is the most dangerous type of spider because its bite can turn into necrotizing ulcer, which can cause severe organ damage when untreated.


There are over 90 scorpion species in the U.S. alone and although most of them can’t kill you, their bite is extremely painful. Also, they are great at camouflage – so the next time you visit Arizona, watch out!

Bees and Fire Ants

Known as ‘Killer Bees,’ the Africanized honey bees are aggressive and can be found near the Mexican border. They attack in big numbers and if they feel threatened, they can indeed kill a human being. The same goes for fire ants, whose sting causes a burning sensation in the skin and lasts days in a row.


Unlike other ferocious animals of the US, bears won’t attack anyone unless they feel threatened or provoked. Black bears and Grizzlies used to be extremely common, but their numbers have been decreasing over the years. Today, they are only found in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Washington and Wyoming.

Wild Boar

These creatures used to be common pigs and hogs when they were brought to the US by Mexican farmers. Those who escaped in the wild, though, developed certain mutations that turned them into threatening creatures! Wild pigs are very aggressive especially during mating season.


The US alone is home to 25 species of rattlesnake – and although the victim rate isn’t that high, some are still extremely venomous. The Eastern Diamondback, which lives in North and South Carolina, Louisian and Florida, is the largest venomous snake in the US and it can kill a human if provoked.

Sharks, Stingrays and Portuguese Man O’War

The three most dangerous species of shark, responsible for the most attacks on people, are great white sharks, tiger sharks, and bull sharks. Also, singrays enjoy living in the Gulf of Mexico and their sting is really dangerous if you step on one.


Yes, it’s true. The most dangerous animal in the US in terms of injuries and fatalities caused by it is man’s best friend. Each year, it has been estimated, that as many as two percent of the US population are bitten by dogs, that works out at around 4.5 million people. Around 26 people are killed by dogs annually. Most of the killers are Pit bulls and Rottwilers.

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