
Killer Coyote

Beautiful as they seem, these guys are not someone you want to mess with – especially in their natural habitat. If you think you can run from them, you’re wrong: a nimble coyote can reach over 40 miles/hour (64 km/h) and can take jumps of 13 feet (4 m) in one bound.

Remember Canadian pop singer Taylor Mitchell? Well, she was the victim of these coyotes while she was in Nova Scotia.

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2 thoughts on “”

  1. How does one tell a “Killer Coyote” from the regular kind? We live in a real nature lover’s paradise with deer, coyotes, bear, fox, you name it. We run into coyotes on the path when walking quite a bit (I carry a stunner and no animal likes the electric sound it makes fortunately) so how can we tell the “killer” type?

  2. Goodness! I love owls but will definitely watch out! Our little rescue Bo weighs only about 30 lbs! We have these majestic [and beautiful] owls in the area also, but I guess he still weighs too much to be swept away by one!

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