17 Wild Animals You Can Legally Own (But Shouldn’t)

#1. Alligators

Why would you want to own an alligator? That, we do not know, but it’s legal! These wild creatures have some of the strongest bites of all animals worldwide, they weigh about 1000 lbs and, of course, they are not the friendliest out there. Except for when they’re hungry, in which case humans may be a great dinner.

#2. Tigers

Great news for… whoever may want to get a tiger! Please do note that apart from being able (and sometimes willing) to eat humans for dessert, these creatures are very large, heavy, wild and lazy. Also, everything about them  – from food to environment and other details – is really expensive. But yes, you could own one if you like the idea..

#3. Elephants

They’re beautiful, fascinating and they can be trained! Now let’s get to the downside. First of all, elephants are very big. And unless you know some training techniques, stopping them from running away is pretty much impossible. Even though it’s unlikely for them to hurt humans, the World Wide Fund for Nature admitted that about 300 people are killed every year by scared (or angry) elephants.

#4. Wallaroos

Even though these guys are pretty big and extremely powerful, they get along with people very well if you take care of them ever since they’re babies. Not only do they get along well with children, but you can also teach them what ‘no’ means!

#5. Bears

Surprising as it may seem, owning a bear is no crime at all! However, that doesn’t make raising such an animal any easier. Apart from their size, bears are, after all, wild, so they may attack others if they feel like they’re in danger.

#6. Emperor Scorpions

If bears are too large for you to own, here’s a tiny Emperor Scorpion that perfectly fits in an aquarium. This is the least dangerous species of scorpions, which is why it has become increasingly popular over the past few years to own one. However, do note that they bite, so it’s not advisable to let it hang around children.

#7. Squirrel Monkeys

These cute fellas (with their eyes kind of reminding us of vampires or zombies) can be legally owned by any monkey lover. Just like any other monkey, they’re fun, they’ve got lots of energy and we all know what they like to eat, right? The main problem is regarding their hygiene. For example, they always use urine to wash their hands and feet – and you can’t really stop that from happening, right?

#8. Genets

In case you haven’t heard of them, genets are a species of wild animals with some interesting features. One of them, for instance, is that their tales are at least as long as their bodies (sometimes even longer)! These carnivores are really wild, though, and may attack people when endagered, or run away really fastly if they’re scared by something. If you’re up for the challenge, though, they’re pretty cool!

#9. Kinkajous

Just look at those eyes! Although owning a kinkajou is perfectly legal and its size isn’t that large, it takes quite a lot of work to raise it. These creatures are well known for their special ability of destroying any piece of furniture that comes in their way and they also tend to attack people if they feel threatened. If you care about its health, note that kinkajous are used to live in rainforests, so your backyard is probbaly not the same thing.

#10. Wolves

Their eyes, their strength, their fur – everything about wolves invites us in. While you can own a wolf and they can be trained to behave well, they’re definitely not as loyal as dogs are. This means, if their instincts tell them something, they will act in consequence.

#11. Otters

Who doesn’t like otters? Even though it may not seem like it, these guys are quite dangerous… for your house. Otters have gained quite a reputation for destroying furniture, plants, house decorations, carpets and pretty much anything they find around your place.

#12. Sloths

Although probably no one can argue that sloths are amazing creatures and owning one would be really cool, they’re kind of hard to deal with. The stomach of sloths is extremely sensitive, they need personalized diets and, if something happens to them, finding a vet who knows what to do with a wild sloth isn’t that easy!

#13. Skunks

‘Why would I want to own a skunk,’ you may ask yourself thinking about their smell. Well, as skunk owners are claiming, these creatures are actually pretty friendly once you get to know them and they get used to having people around. The catch is to remove their scent glands through surgery while they are still babies – after that, you’re all set!

#14. Capybaras

Before thinking about turning a capybara into your pet, let’s take a few aspects into account. While we’re certain that these grumpy-looking animals are extremely cute, they’re also pretty big, so unless you own a big garden, there would be no room for one. Also, capybaras live their whole lives in large groups, so keeping one just for yourself might not be helpful for it.

#15. Servals

This feline is basically the perfect combination between cats and leopards. Even though it looks very nice, this is a pretty wild type of feline, so you should make sure to fulfill its needs at all times. Apart from that, they sometimes do act affectionate towards humans. Sometimes.

#16. Pythons

They’re big, they’re legal to own and they surely are fascinating. But the question is: should you really own a python?
Although they rarely attack humans, pythons are known for their abilities to eat children and even adults, as some unfortunate cases have proven. However, they are pretty large and they are quite wild, so having one as a pet might not be the most fun experience for you.

#17. Bobcats

Yes, it’s legal to own a bobcat and yes, you can domesticate it if you take your time to do it. However, its basic instincts are really strong, so no matter how nice things may get, it will definitely attack its owners or anybody else who gets in their way – and even though they can’t kill you, they can hurt ou pretty badly.


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