Meet The 18 Coolest Animals On The Internet

‘Did you just call me an animal?’

‘If I knew humans were such good slaves, I would’ve come here earlier!’

Draw him like one of your French girls…

‘Well hello there, ladies! How’s it going?’

Admit it: you’ll never be as cool as a rabbit that just went to the hairstylist.

This cat just took the art of being hipster to a whole new level

That ‘I see what you did there’ face..

When the youngest sibling is trying to act as cool as his older brothers

‘Now you’d better get me a beer, young man!’

Why does this look much more comfortable than the humans’ bathtubs?

‘And then I said <<It’s always the dog’s fault>> and they believed me!’

‘Come on, slaves, move faster. I need my vacation house quickly.’

Now this is what I call acting like a real sir!

‘What? You’ve never seen a cat in a comfortable bed before?’

‘To be or not to be? That is the question..’

He didn’t choose the thug life.. the thug life chose him.

What is it with pets wanting to be hipsters?

‘Oh, the joy of a spa day all for myself…’

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