Photo by Vladimir Wrangel from

6. Black Scorpionfish

The black scorpionfish catches its prey by waiting on the ocean floor and releasing a dangerous toxin that can injure any other creatures nearby. Its sharp spines contain a strong venom that can cause a lot of wounds to the victims, which makes it one of the most noxious animals in the ocean.

7. Pine Processionary Caterpillars

The Pine processionary caterpillars are toxic and have several hairs that are strong enough to cause irritation if you happen to touch one. Even though they are small and might look harmless, they are actually responsible for the destruction of the pine trees they occupy.

8. Browntail Moths

Browntail moths are not considered terrifying creaturs in general, but their larvae (caterpillars) are. The reason being is that their bodies are full of toxic hairs that can easily break off, become aerial, and cause several health issues for people.

9. Meloe

This insect is also known as the oil beetle due to the fact that it is responsible for releasing oily droplets of hemolymph from their joints when they are confused or in danger.

This creature contains cantharidin, which is a poisonous chemical that can cause painful swelling and skin blistering. You can get rid of this chemical by washing it carefully, but if you happen to eat a meloe, it can be disastrous.

10. Fire-Bellied Toads

The last terrifying creature on our list is the fire-bellied toads, which are a type of frog that can release skin toxins that have a rotten taste and that are also very dangerous.

If you happen to touch this type of frog and then touch your eyes, you will feel a terrible burning sensation.

…If you want to read something else about animals, we recommend this article: 11 Deadliest Diseases Your Dog Can Actually Get!

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