Discover If Reptiles Are Good As A Pet

Range of Temperatures

Ideally, a captive reptile’s enclosure should include a range of temperatures all of which are in the bracket of preferred temperatures for the animal. Why a range instead of just one constant temperature? A range of temperatures more accurately reflects a reptile’s internal body temperature. Throughout the day, their body will have fluctuations in temperature, and they can move in their environment to whatever temperature will make them the most comfortable. Therefore, it helps with digestion, activity, and their immune system. With all these benefits, there is no reason not to provide a proper temperature in your reptile’s environment. It can range from as high as 38 degrees Celsius to lower than 20 degrees Celsius, so it is important to become knowledgeable about the species and which range is the best range for that particular animal.


Does the Temperature Range Have to be Exact?

Yes! The proper temperature range is critical for the health of your reptile. A thermometer placed in the enclosure can inform you of any fluctuations in the temperature, which should be carefully monitored. A change in temperature as little as 5 degrees Celsius too hot can result in the early demise of some reptiles.

Also, UV light is also necessary, it helps keep your reptile’s skin healthy.

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