Get to know which oils to use and which to avoid right away. Cedarwood, Clary Sage, Lavender, Peppermint, and Ginger are among the safest oils used on and around pets. Each has its own list of properties and uses for you to explore. Some oils are anti-inflammatory and good for treating wounds. Others are highly aromatic and can be diffused to offer a sense of calm for your new kitty.

Double check with your veterinarian to make sure that itā€™s ok to use oils based on your catā€™s medical history. Before using anything on or with your pet, youā€™ll first want to make sure that your vet thinks it is ok. If they do, youā€™ll be able to use the oils after researching which ones benefit your cat. Youā€™ll know exactly which essential oils help with what type of ailment or condition.

Dilute them heavily using carrier oils. You should never apply essential oils directly to your petā€™s skin. Youā€™ll want to mix them with carrier oils such as sweet almond, fractionated coconut or jojoba oil. Put them in a roller ball bottle or spray bottle and apply them that way. Itā€™s less mess for you to have to clean up.

Keep essential oil bottles out of direct sunlight and locked up tight where your pet canā€™t get to them. If a bottle was to break accidentally, your pet may lap up the liquid thinking it was water. If you put away the oils each time you use them, you wonā€™t have that type of incident to think about.

If you have any doubts about the oil you have, throw it away. If it smells bad or seems to have changed in color, get rid of it. You donā€™t want to take a chance and use it on your pet. Itā€™s always better to be safe than sorry. You wonā€™t have any regrets that way.

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