Yorkshire terrier

Lovingly referred to as the “Yorkie,” the Yorkshire terrier is the ultimate cutie in small breeds. Not only are they tiny (some are even “teacup”!), but the Yorkshire terrier is a small breed with a big personality and perfect as a companion on the go. Yorkies have been a “fashionable” pet since the late Victorian era.


Another breed that makes an excellent companion, the papillon is a loyal and loving friend. Great with kids and families, this pint-size pup makes an excellent watchdog. Calm but alert, it is extremely protective of its master. A papillon’s most distinctive feature is its large butterfly ears.

Cavalier King Charles spaniel

Not only is the Cavalier King Charles spaniel adorable, but it loves to cuddle, too! A member of the toy group, this pup is gentle and extremely caring of its family. These dogs are considered to be very elegant, possibly the reason Charlotte York from Sex and the City had one. One of the most popular in small breeds, it’s a dog worthy of all of your love.

Brussels griffon

Some may think that the Brussels griffon isn’t the most attractive dog on the planet, but it sure is cute. A bit awkward looking, Brussels griffons are smart, adaptable and cat-friendly. What they lack in appearance they make up for with their ability to perform a variety of tricks. Not great with kids, it’ll make a single owner a very happy one.

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