Categories: Pets

New Year’s Resolutions for Your Pet

Next year, I’ll exercise every day, quit social media and put a bazillion dollars in my savings account. Sound familiar? Instead of making lofty resolutions that you’ll never be able to keep, we have a better idea.

Focus on your pet instead—it’s way more fun and there are some great benefits for your furry friend, too. Here, some resolutions to ensure you and Rocky have the best year ever.

Groom her daily. Or weekly, at least. Regular brushing distributes oils from the skin to their fur, helping to keep it nice and healthy. Extra bonus? It also means less shedding all over your couch.

Ditto on the teeth brushing. Because a buildup of plaque and tartar is no joke. Just make sure to use a toothpaste designed for your pet.

Kick one bad habit. You know you shouldn’t feed your precious feline scraps from the table and that Fido’s constant barking at the mailman is super annoying. Time to do better. Here’s a tip: Create a positive association by getting your pooch to sit every time the mail carrier comes around and then giving her a treat.

Stay on top of vet appointments. You want your four-legged pal to be around for a long, long time, don’t you? Regular exams and preventive care are key.

Take a trip together. Time to make some memories. Just don’t forget to Instagram every single moment (hey, spending less time on the ’Gram isn’t on your resolution list this year, remember?).

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