Categories: Pets

Here Are the 6 Cutest Dog Breeds You’ve Ever Seen

Photo from Liliya Kulianionak from shutterstock.com

Photo by Verbitskaya Juliya from shutterstock.com

There is no doubt that all the dogs in the world are just too cute to be true. They’re so adorable and, overall perfect, that we’ll take any chance we get to talk about them and scroll through photos of majestic pups in a worthless yet fun effort to determine which are the most charming dog breeds on the planet.

However, we know that the pet that is yours is surely the most breathtaking little creature that has ever existed, so the whole “which one’s the cutest pet on Earth” is only a personal opinion.

And while we’re on the subject, today’s article is all about the pups that we think are the prettiest, although we believe that absolutely all of them are perfect and lovable just the way they are.

But if you’re looking for a quick dose of adorable fluff, you’ve come to the right place. Click on the next page to discover all of these beautiful pups!

Photo by tbird3077 from shutterstock.com

1. Brittany

The Brittany is a gorgeous dog breed that is usually referred to as the Brittany Spaniel, even though these pups are not exactly spaniels. They were mainly bred for bird hunting, but don’t let their fighting personality fool you.

These pooches really know how to work their charm and make everyone in your family crazy about them. They have a lot of energy, and they’re so cute and goofy that they will easily become your best pals.

If you think that a Brittany dog is suitable for you and your family, you should know that they have very high energy levels, so a few simple walks throughout the day are not enough to keep them happy and healthy!

2. Basenji

If you’re looking for a pup that will make you laugh when you have a hard day and that will also protect you and your family at all costs, a Basenji pooch is exactly what you need. Even though they’re affectionate and sometimes crave their owners’ attention, these dogs are all about independence and being on their own, so you might notice that they get quite detached at times.

However, they love their favorite humans with all their hearts, and they can get viciously protective of their families, especially if they sense any type of danger. They’re friendly with other dogs, but they surely know how to express their likes and dislikes through their “combative” personality.

Basenjis are also very popular for their incredible sense of smell and eager eyes. One of the best parts about owning a pooch like this is that they don’t shed a lot, so your home and clothes will be fur-free.

…Did you know that Basenjis are known as “barkless dogs” due to the fact that they alert their families with a noise that is identical to a chortle?

3. Welsh Springer Spaniel

The Welsh Springer Spaniel dogs are known for their red-and-white coats, which can easily classify them as the most charming hunting pups. These cute medium-sized pooches are very popular and appreciated among owners for their adaptability in the field and their companionship and sociability at home.

They’re usually in a good mood, and they’re considered to be one of the oldest sporting breeds in the United Kingdom.

…Did you know that this dog breed has been around since 7000 B.C.? That’s incredible!

Photo by Grisha Bruev from shutterstock.com

4. Shiba Inu

Is that a fox? No, it’s not! Is it a teddy bear? No, it’s not! Then what is it? It’s one of the most adorable dog breeds that has ever existed: the Shiba Inu! These gorgeous and fluffy pups are well known for their small upright ears and enthusiastic personalities.

They became extremely popular when the famous doge meme was released on the Internet, which caused all social media fanatics to fall in love with these expressive pups.

…Did you know that Shiba Inus are mainly companion pups in the United States and Japan?

5. Dalmatian

Whether you know them from the fire station or you’ve watched their adventures in Disney movies, one thing is for sure: these pups’ special coats win everyone’s heart wherever they go.

These adorable “coach dogs” have ridden alongside horse-drawn rigs used by royalty, gypsies, and firefighters throughout their long history, and people all over the world are crazy about them.

…Did you know that Dalmatians’ spots develop later in their lives? The pups are born completely white.

6. Dachshund

Is someone looking for the best hot dog ever? The Dachshund is just perfect for that!

All jokes aside, the Dachshund pups are just too cute to not say something about. Whether they’re wire-haired, smooth, longhaired, standard size, or miniature, they are extremely adorable and funny.

And if you think that their size makes them feel scared of other animals, you should know that Dachshunds are very popular for their adventurous and fearless personalities, and don’t have a problem with taking on animals much larger than they are.

They are very loyal to their dear humans and tend to get aggressive towards other dogs and people they don’t know, especially if they feel any sort of danger. If you want to be the owner of a dog like this and there are children in your household, they can easily become friends, especially if the little ones know how to take care of the pooch.

…Did you know that Dachshund pups are very good watchdogs?

…Do you think puppies are cute? We believe so too! Check this article out: 16 Awkward and Hilarious Moments Every Dog-Owner Knows!

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