You’re purr-fect – You sit down beside your cat, and suddenly, you hear a low roaring sound coming from her. It’s as if a mini-engine is stuck in her chest and is now getting ignited. Don’t be alarmed! She’s just purring to tell you she feels utmost comfort with you beside her.

I knead you – When they were wee little babies, your cats had to jam their paws into their mama’s belly to get their daily dose of milk. It was not only a time for feeding but also bonding with their parent. While a few outgrow this mannerism, some continue to knead on objects and people that bring them warm fuzzy feelings. So if your cat kneads on you, that means she’s giving you some cat love.

Give me a head-butt – You’re trying to work, watch a movie, or get some much-needed Zzzzs when you cat comes and begins bonking you with her tiny head. You wonder, “Has she gone crazy?” Nope. She just wants to say “I love you” by marking you with the scents released from her forehead and cheeks. This cat behavior is actually called “bunting.”

Belly exposure – In the jungle where everyone is an enemy waiting to pounce on you, a cat showing her belly means only means she’s surrendering. You two aren’t in the jungle, but the meaning behind the action remains. If she plops down and proceeds to roll over and expose her tummy, she trusts you with her weakness—which is probably also your weakness because who can resist the allure of a fluffy belly?

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