Raise money – Shelters can always use more money. They want to keep and adopt out as many animals as possible and spare them from being put down. That requires a lot of money for space, food, toys, beds, medicine and veterinary care, and promotion. No shelter will ever turn down much-needed monetary donations. If you can’t give a lot of money yourself, come up with some creative fundraisers. This is also a great way to get kids involved.

Donate supplies – Shelters will also happily take any supplies they can get. Pick up some extra treats or toys when you go shopping for your pet and bring them to the shelter. You could also do a drive at school, work, church or amongst friends to collect items. Call your local shelter and ask what they need the most.

Give your time – Spend some time giving love and attention to deserving animals. Being around new people helps socialize the animals at the shelter, which will make for an easier transition into their forever homes. Work on training, give baths, do administrative work, do social media promotion or any other skill you can offer. You can also take animals on walks or trips to local parks to help them get seen.

ADOPT, DON’T SHOP! You probably can’t rescue every pet that comes through the shelter doors, as much as you may want to. However, when it does come time to get another pet, adopt from a local shelter or rescue instead of going to a pet store or a breeder. Pet stores often get animals from mills that have inhumane practices. Breeders can also have unsafe or unethical practices.

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