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Try to stick to wet food as much as possible

In order to keep your cat as healthy as possible, try to stick to wet food. Cats who eat only dry food are more likely to have health complications such as diabetes and dehydration. These foods also tend to contain high levels of carbohydrates, which aren’t good for cats. At the very least, try to give your cat both — with the dry food ideally being grain-free — in order to make sure they’re getting the best nutrition possible.

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3 thoughts on “”

  1. I have had cats all of my life and all great advice. Did not know to separate food and water containers in separate areas.


  2. Finally an article that recommends giving your cat wet food only! That is so important for our cats and most vets will not recommend it. Also beware of giving your cats wet food with gravy products on them as it increases the amount of carbs they are getting increasing the risk of diabetes.

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