They can smell cancer

It’s no secret that dogs have an amazing innate sense of smell. But did you know they can use their sniffer to detect cancer cells? That’s right: Dogs can be trained to “identify people that are affected with certain cancers, such as breast cancer and some skin cancers,” according to Samantha Devine, a veterinarian and lifestyle expert at Money Done Right.

In fact, a 2019 study published in the Experimental Biology journal revealed that dogs can use their highly evolved sense of smell to sniff out cancer in blood samples with an astonishing 97-percent accuracy rate. It’s essential to note, however, that dogs aren’t born with this skill. They have to undergo special training.

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3 thoughts on “”

  1. J. Richard Arsenault

    From 35 years off loving and grateful dog ownership, I have observed and appreciated many of these remarkable abilities. Wish some of my two-legged acquaintances showed comparable skills and abilities. Have a happy!!!!

  2. This is great information. I would like to have a printed copy of theses things to remember and see what my dog can do.

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