Photo by Mila Supinskaya Glashchenko / Shutterstock

They don’t promote their benefits and facilities

Every reputable animal shelter will promote their benefits and facilities and show all their programs, policies and practices because other people should know exactly what they do and how they care for animals. 

“An exceptional rescue or shelter will be forthcoming in how they care for their animals and will allow the public to tour their facilities or foster homes,” says Dr. Hansen.

In fact, they should give you all the information you need about both the animals and the organization per se, such as animal history, veterinary consultation reports, spay or neuter, vaccinations and so on. 

“Ideally, the shelter will have information on how the pet interacts with unfamiliar people and other members of its own species. Even if the pet has a history of being friendly toward other pets, all pets are individuals,” said Berger.

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