Is there a vaccine that can eliminate the risk of getting COVID-19 in cats and dogs?
Unfortunately, at this moment, there are no COVID-19 vaccines available for humans or animals. It seems that a vaccine for humans could be available in 12-18 months, according to The World Health Organization.
However, researchers in Australia have started animal tests of two potential COVID-19 vaccines, but we will have access to it next year if they prove to be successful. So, we should stay home and protect ourselves until then. Moreover, you should know that the potential vaccines are being tested on ferrets, which contract the coronavirus in the same way people do.
“They are very significant. I mean, this is a world-leading technology and this is the first time actually in the world that we have done these animal model tests to look at two candidate vaccines, both of which the CEPI coalition has provided funding towards,” said Jane Halton, the head of Australia’s Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations.
But, even though they are testing coronavirus vaccines on animals to find out what is good for humans, it does not mean that it could be effective for cats and dogs as well… or at least not for the moment.
Yet, you should know that our veterinarians are familiar with the symptoms or diseases caused by other coronaviruses because the coronavirus is a group of related viruses that can affect mammals and birds. So, to be more specific, the coronavirus is not a new virus, but COVID-19 is a new strain from the same family of viruses.
For instance, in humans, coronavirus can cause respiratory tract infections that can be mild, or severe (SARS, MERS or COVID-19), but in animals, coronavirus can cause respiratory or gastrointestinal diseases. Thus, it does not mean that COVID-19 can affect animals in the same way, because we have no evidence to prove the actual symptoms in animals. In fact, many dogs are vaccinated for another species of coronavirus – Canine Coronavirus – as puppies, but this vaccine is not effective for COVID-19 (which is the new coronavirus).
In conclusion, there is no vaccine for COVID-19 for animals or people at this time.