Photo by Shelby Kasowski / Shutterstock

Try to adopt the “second chance” rule

If you want to introduce a new dog to your family, don’t expect the process to be immediate and successful because dogs can be quite unfriendly at first. That’s why it is recommended to adopt the second chance rule and repeat the process until they start to better know each other.

“It can take weeks or months for dogs to get used to new animals, and it’ll be important to give the dogs breaks from each other,” said Katy Mahaley, an animal behavior counselor on the ASPCA’s behavioral sciences team. “Not all animals will become best friends, and that’s okay!”

In addition, you should pay attention to their behavior as well and try to find out what upsets and annoys them. In this case, it’s important to know canine body language, so don’t be afraid to seek advice and help from an animal expert. 

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