A Few Fast Facts About Your Furry Feline Friend

  1. Ever seen your cat lifting its lips in a snarl? It’s using its Jacobson’s organ in the roof of his mouth to home in on a scent. It can also use its nose.

  1. Cats can reach bursts of super speed at 38kph (23.6mph).
  1. With light-reflective layers in their eyes, cats use twice as much available light as humans to be able to see in the dark.
Adult cats meow only to communicate with humans. Some meows hit the same frequencies as a baby’s cry so that it instantly catches our attention.
  1. Cats sleep for 16-20 hours per day, which equates to 70 per cent of their lives.
  1. A cat’s tongue is rough because of tiny backwards-facing barbs known as papillae. They are essential for rasping meat and grooming fur.
  1. There are more than 70 different breeds of cat.

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