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They can develop certain skin problems

The truth is that cats can suffer from a huge variety of skin problems. Unfortunately, many animal experts say that hairless cats are more likely to develop certain skin problems than other furry felines. So, you have to pay attention to this aspect if you want to adopt a sphinx cat and don’t forget to see your vet often. 

“Sphynxes are prone to urticaria pigmentosa, a skin condition characterized with itching and red bumps,” says Brown. 

They have sensitive skin, so this is why you have to use sun protection for your cat and keep it indoors during the summer. There are a lot of reasons that make your cat itches, such as allergies to certain foods, pollen, parasites or infections, but the most common disease that causes this symptom in the sphinx cats is urticaria pigmentosa. It seems that this disease is passed on genetically. So, if you notice that your cat is excessively scratching, you have to talk to your vet as soon as possible and fix the problem.

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