Categories: Pets

The Best 6 Dog Pictures You’re Going To See Today

Photo by Masarik from shutterstock.com

Photo by Masarik from shutterstock.com

…Do you have a pup picture you absolutely adore? 

We like all dogs, large and small, purebred or not; they are all adorable! Whether they’re our pooches or not, we can’t stop looking at their tiny and cute faces. It’s true, dogs can make your day better and happier!

We thought that you might need something light and easy to give you a boost of energy and make you laugh, so we’ve compiled a list of the most adorable pups! From dogs making funny faces to pooches that will make you think that they’re actually the cutest creatures on Earth, there’s not a dog photo out there that won’t put a smile on your face.

So if you want to make your day better and see something pawsome, you’ll have to click on the next page, because here are the best 6 dog pictures you’re going to see today.

Courtesy of Pinterest

The shoe-sleeping pup 

Children used to have the popular excuse when they were in middle school and they didn’t do their homework: my dog ate it, so I don’t have it, but I promise that I did it! Well, everyone knew the truth, but in this case, you have a true excuse!

You can’t get to work on time because your shoes are simply not available at the moment! They serve as your pup’s bed, so how dare you disturb that little creature just so you can take your shoes off and go out the door?

All jokes aside, this small white pooch looks really comfy and cute while sleeping on its owner’s winter shoes. What do you think?

…The next pup will teach you how to take some time off and simply relax!

Courtesy of Pinterest

The relaxed dog 

…Hey, hey, hey…I’m on vacation! Every single day, ’cause I love my “pawccupation”!

Isn’t it the perfect song for a beautiful and lazy day? What’s better than a relaxing day at the pool when the weather is hot and humid? We don’t know about you, but we would love to sit right next to this cute dog and let the warm rays of the sun play with us.

Now all this pooch needs is a cold glass of lemonade to take the whole experience a step further. And maybe a bowl of treats by their side.

…You won’t need a compass if you take this adorable pup with you next time you go camping!

Courtesy of Pinterest

The dog that loves nature

Who needs to know all the ways to determine where the wind is coming from when you have a smart dog like this? And if you were thinking of going camping and maybe taking a compass with you so you don’t get lost, you can actually leave it at home, because this cute pup knows exactly how to get out of any situation.

Judging by the position of the paw, we can say that the wind comes from their left. Well, a special moment like this deserves a good picture, so there you have it: proof that pups are both smart and adorable!

…The next pup feels sorry for their behavior! 

Courtesy of Pinterest

The pup that apologizes

Not that we’re trying to sound mean or completely insensitive, but we absolutely adore those cute and tiny faces dogs make when they’re sorry for something bad they’ve done!

Just look at the picture above! How is it possible to be mad at your pooch when their adorable faces and those puppy eyes tell you how deeply sorry they feel that they’ve ruined your favorite pair of shoes?

Call it manipulation, but if that were our dog, we would absolutely forgive them and maybe give them a belly scratch as well. At the end of the day, they did apologize, right?

…Now this is what we call a pawsome run! Click on the next page! 

Courtesy of Pinterest

The dog that is a marathon runner

…Or at least they think so! 

Is it a fox? No! Is it a fast and furious rabbit? No! Then what is it? It’s a Pembroke Welsh Corgi dog that trains for the marathon! Don’t even think about making fun of this pup’s short legs, because they will surely show you that those tiny legs were made for running! And that’s what they do best!

If you were thinking of playing fetch with this adorable pooch, you better get ready to see them wiggle-wiggle their fluffy tail towards the ball! Are you ready for the maximum level of cuteness? Just watch them walk backward!

…Which one of these photos is your favorite? Tell us in the comments down below!

…If reading this article made you smile, we recommend checking this one out as well: 8 Dog Breeds That Like Spending Time With Cats!

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