Categories: Pets

Is Your Dog Barking on a Full Moon? Here’s What to Do

Photo by Tongsai from shutterstock.com

Photo by AntonMaltsev from shutterstock.com

…Have you ever noticed your cute pup barking on a full moon?

Our dogs are the most adorable creatures on Earth. Whether they are big or small, they’re so fluffy and cute that all we want to do is snuggle and scratch their bellies. But let’s face it: sometimes they have a funny attitude and we have no idea what’s actually going on inside their heads.

One example is when they bark on a full moon. I don’t know about you, but sometimes my little pup behaves like it’s controlled by the moon and doesn’t know how to let go. But what if their behavior is actually influenced by something else and it’s not just something weird and without sense?

We got so curious about this topic that we did a bit of research to find out more about it. If you’re just as intrigued as we are, here is everything we found out about the reasons why dogs bark on a full moon and what to do about it:

Photo by AntonMaltsev from shutterstock.com

Many dog owners say that their beloved pooches tend to have different behaviors every time there’s a full moon. Of course, some of them are more agitated, while others don’t really have a problem with that, and they’re more relaxed.

There are a lot of legends that say a full moon is a perfect time for both humans and animals to completely lose their minds and go insane, but here’s the thing: those are only legends.

What we know for sure, according to scientists, is that canines might not see as well during a full moon, compared to other nights. As we all know, just like cats, dogs also have larger pupils compared to humans.

Besides that, pups have more retinal light-sensitive cells, also known as rods, than people have, which helps them see better when there’s not enough light. They also have a special membrane, called tapetum lucidum, that reflects the light.

Have you ever seen your pup’s eyes turn green or yellow during the night when there’s a lot of bright light? That’s the membrane we’re talking about doing its job: reflecting light.

However, this membrane is also responsible for increasing the brightness of light, which means that your pup might not see as well during a full moon. As you can imagine, they get more agitated because of it, and they might start barking a lot.

…Click on the next page to discover why they bark!

Photo by SashaS Skvortcova from shutterstock.com

Why Do Pups Bark at the Moon?

You might think that your pup is howling at the moon, right? Well, that’s not true. Dogs are creatures of habit, and they know how to complain when there’s something they don’t agree with. Just think about it: they are used to seeing really well in the dark, then suddenly, when there’s a full moon and they have problems with their vision.

That’s not something they like, so just like we complain to our friends and family when there’s something we disagree with, they do the same to their four-legged friends. This means that pooches don’t howl at the moon, but they’re actually communicating with one another through their barking.

Your beloved pup is used to going for a walk when it’s completely dark outside, and they usually mind their business and sniff around everything they want. But the full moon changes their routine since they perceive it as a big bowl of light that interferes with their great vision. So what is there left to do? They start barking.

…Click on the next page to see what you can do to help your pooch during a full moon!

Photo by WICHAI WONGJONGJAIHAN from shutterstock.com

What Can You Do To Help Your Pup?

Even though you can’t run away from the “powers” of a full and shiny moon, there are a few things you can do to make your cute dog feel better:

  • make sure that your pet gets a lot of exercise and playtime during the day so that they’re more relaxed and ready for bed at night;
  • if you decide to take your pup for a walk before bedtime, keep it short;
  • if your dog is anxious, comfort them and sit beside them so that they’re not alone and don’t enter panic mode;
  • don’t change your schedule and neither their: wake up and go to sleep at the same time as usual, so that they know what’s coming (they’re creatures of habit, so they love their routines).

Other than that, your pup will be just fine, even though a night with a full moon it’s a bit different compared to the ones they’re used to. But don’t stress too much about it. They will be playful and happy when the whole thing is over, so you can have all the fun you want with your beloved pup.

…Have you ever wondered why dogs bark at the full moon? Do you know any legends regarding puppies and the nights with a full moon? We are curious to know more about this topic, so make sure to let us know what your thoughts are by leaving a comment in the section down below!

…If you find this article helpful and you want to know more about dogs, make sure to check this one out as well: 7 Unusual Mixed Dog Breeds That Are Absolutely Adorable!

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