Categories: Pets

9 Reasons NOT To Get a Dog

Photo by fotyma from Envato Elements

Dogs are incredible companions. They are lovely, loyal, and fluffy. But even though, for us, they seem great, not a lot of people are ready to make the step of getting one. You may be excited to get one, but maybe you are not ready for it. When you think about adopting or rescuing a dog from a shelter we have to think about many aspects.

But the most important one is if we would be suitable as their owners. In theory, the idea of expanding your household with a fluffy companion sounds like a dream, doesn’t it? However, we all have to keep in mind that they are not toys. They are creatures, with feelings and needs. Treat them as your own child.

If you check off one or more of the things on the following list, then you SHOULDN’T get a dog:

Photo by prostooleh from Envato Elements

1. You don’t think of them as family

When you take in a dog you should see them as equals and irreplaceable family members. If you don’t see them as such you shouldn’t get a dog. They are kind and loving creatures. They are not toys or objects.

2. You think they should live outside

Some think that a dog’s place should be outside. Well, that shouldn’t be the case. Would you let a member of your family sleep outside in the backyard (excepting those you don’t like)?

It’s true they like playing outside, but they shouldn’t spend their entire lives outside. They love affection, cuddles, and spending time with their owners.

3. You think they should stay in the garage

That’s even worse than letting them stay outside. The garage is small, dark, and cold. It’s not a good place for your furry friend AT ALL! Not to mention, there are toxic chemicals and vehicle emissions that can cause them a lot of health issues.

In addition, there’s also not enough space for them to play or wander due to the heavy equipment, ladder, screws, nails, and so on.

4. They are your ”practice baby”

Dogs ARE NOT your practice baby. They are not just some free trial before deciding to have a baby. Besides the fact that the difference between a dog and a baby is HUGE, it’s not fair to treat a dog like that.

5. Your children are rambunctious

The thing is rambunctious children have small chances of getting along with pets. So, in the end, what are you going to do? Get rid of the puppy or the child? In addition, not a lot of dogs are a good match with children either.

Photo by nd3000 from Envato Elements

6. You have a tight budget

Taking in a dog can be expensive. Their food isn’t cheap, or the toys, and so are the vet check-ups, and other medications that they may need. And even if you are only buying them cheap food and you skip vet check-ups, you will put their health and condition at risk.

That is a VERY cruel thing to do.

7. You lack patience

Dogs are exactly like children. That means you also need to have a lot of patience with them. They will throw tantrums just like a toddler, will protest some decisions that you’re making, and so on.

So, if you lack patience, don’t get a dog!

8. You also lack time

Dogs need time. You have to spend time with them, feed them, walk them, cuddle with them, groom them, bathe them, and so on. You got the picture. The opposite of doing so can damage their condition and mental health.

You need to offer them love and time.

9. You are allergic to dogs

If you have a dog allergy, then you shouldn’t get a dog. It doesn’t sound like a good idea to trigger your allergies and make you feel ill constantly. Because eventually, you will have to do something about it.

Do you think you’re ready to get a dog after reading this? Let us know what you think down below in the comments.

Did you enjoy reading this article? Here’s another related one that you may like: 8 Dog Breeds That Need The Least Exercise

A. I.:
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