So I guess we’re not twins after all..
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32 thoughts on “”

  1. The most entertaining and beautiful pictures of God’s creatures that I have seen in a long time. Made my day. Absolutely awesome! Thanks!

  2. Your little cuties are making my day also,I’m thanking God on how much thses animals are his greatest creation

  3. I have seen the animals you showed before, but never as the adorable babies shown.
    When I see them now it will be fun to visualize them as those infants.

  4. These were so precious, artistry was excellent, and all the animals were way too cute, just want to hug and kiss them ALL!!!!!!! I did catch a typo though it was a fawn and NOT a baby lamb lol

  5. Maria Fe R. Gonzales.

    Wow!all the babies are so cute and so adorable. Whoever taken all those pictures is talented. They are all very precious. Thank you for sharing to us all.

  6. I certainly loved every picture. #19 though is not a Lamb, I do believe that it is a Fawn. Baby deer are fawns, not lambs; at least the last time I checked.

  7. #3 -the fish. I don’t normally find any fish very “heartwarming” but that one was something entirely different. Amazing!

  8. I would love to see the names of these animals along with the comments. EX. (This baby raccoon likes to forage for food.)

  9. I’m number 27, I’m a baby giraffe, ‘scuse me if I don’t talk much today but I has a sore throat my vet gave me medicine and a warm wrap to wrap around my longlonglong throat…I hurts but the wrap helps…gotta go mama watching I supposed to be napping….bye-bye.

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