Avoiding to neuter your pets can lead to health problems
There are some people who refuse to neuter their pet and some of them think that it is important to let the animal give birth at least once before that process, but this is totally wrong! Neutering is important for keeping your pet healthy and safe.
Reddit user explodingcranium2442 said that “No, Fifi does not need to have a litter, and it might actually endanger her health to do so (look up pyometra). There are too many unwanted dogs/cats in the world. Please don’t add to the burden.”
Well, Pyometra is a uterine infection and all female animals can develop it, whether we are talking about dogs and cats, or rabbits and rats. This disease appears when our pet goes into heat. You have to keep in mind that this infection can negatively affect their health and can also be fatal.