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In the the past 60 years, there has been a 50% decline in the Bornean orangutan population

Found only on the island of Borneo, Asia’s largest island, Bornean orangutans have broader faces and shorter beards than their arboreal Sumatran cousins.

There are three subspecies of Borean orangutans: Northwest, Northeast, and Central. The largest is the Central subspecies, of which there are an estimated 35,000. The most threatened is the Northeast subspecies: due to its habitat being decimated by logging and hunting, there are only about 1,500 extant Northeast Borean apes.

Scientists predict that the Bornean orangutan population will fall another 22% by 2025, bringing the total number down to 47,000.

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1 thought on “”

  1. These are such gorgeous creatures. Please try to save them. There are some humans that should be extinct instead.

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