Diabetes mellitus
Some cats that eat excessively may suffer from diabetes because this type of disease increases hunger due to the inability to use glucose for energy.
“Cats with diabetes mellitus exhibit signs of increased hunger due to their inability to break down and use glucose for energy,” said Allison Mazepa, DVM, DACVIM, BluePearl Specialty and Emergency Pet Hospital in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. “Insulin is the only hormone in the body that allows it to take glucose (i.e. sugar) from food and bring it into the cells where it can be broken down into usable energy. Cats that lack insulin will be unable to use this energy, and one of the classic signs of diabetes mellitus in cats is weight loss in the face of increased hunger and a good appetite.”
In other words, cats with diabetes mellitus will eat extra to compensate for their lack of energy. In addition, this disease increases thirst and urination at the same time. “When an owner sees all three signs together in their cat, this should trigger a trip to the veterinarian, especially in a middle aged to an older cat,” she says.